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Radxa Zero 3E, Header mounted, 1GB DDR4
Radxa Zero 3E, Header mounted, 1GB DDR4
• Rockchip RK3566 64bit quad core based Mini SBC • Quadcore power with up to 8GB LPDDR4 RAM with the dimensions of an USB-stick. • RADXA Zero 3E product details • Rockchip RK3566 64bit quad core processor • Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-A55...

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Radxa Zero 2GB/8GB D2E8T, Pin Leiste nicht gelötet, ext. Antenne
Radxa Zero 2GB/8GB D2E8T, Pin Leiste nicht...
• Amlogic S905Y2 64bit quad core based Mini SBC • Quadcore power with up to 4GB LPDDR4 RAM with the dimensions of an USB-stick. • Available Models:512MB LPDDR4 RAM, WIFI4/BLE4, no eMMC,1GB LPDDR4 RAM, WIFI4/BLE4, no eMMC,2GB LPDDR4 RAM,...

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